ISSUE FOUR: March, 2020



January 5, 2020

Its flames kindle the red carpet
sending bursts of smoke 
sexy pops of fire flash as celebrity
parades itself past 
the heat and cheers now fear
as breath becomes a choke

inside conflagration swallows
the tables stilettos and beards singed
while Ricky Gervais takes a last sip
before exiting backstage

Robert De Niro sizzles as
Ellen grabs two bottles of Moët
to douse Jennifer Aniston’s back

but the image that goes viral  
is Meryl Streep and Tom Hanks
beautiful but burnt
climbing over the chairs 
toward Gwyneth Paltrow naked
wiping ash from false lashes
she swaddles them in her gown
and carries them to water.

Across the globe sit 
impeccably groomed koalas beside 
lithe kangaroos and possums
half a billion strong
under the moonlit ether 
not a care in the world glad to be 
what they are and where 

they are safe and important
watching the cool sky glitter 
this January night down under 
convinced the stars burn just for them.


CANDICE KELSEY's debut book of poetry, Still I am Pushing, releases March 6th with Finishing Line Press. Her poetry has appeared in Poets Reading the News, Poet Lore, North Dakota Quarterly, and many other journals while her first micro chapbook The Pier House is forthcoming with the Origami Poetry Project. A finalist for Poetry Quarterly's Rebecca Lard Award and Honorable Mention for Common Ground's 2019 Poetry Contest, Candice’s creative nonfiction was nominated for a 2019 Pushcart Prize. She is an educator of 20 years' standing, devoted to working with young writers.