Isn’t it odd, how quickly the world can change? This is a strange environment in which to be presenting a new issue of a literary magazine. Due to our publication cycle and the nature of the work we publish, Slippage Lit is ill-equipped to tackle contemporary issues. We begin to put the issues together months before the publication date. Our contributors likely wrote their wonderful pieces months prior to submitting, perhaps even years. So don’t look for any prescient advice here, we have none for you. What we have is strange and daring literature. In difficult times art is often overshadowed, however, it is when times are difficult that we find ourselves, more than ever, looking to art for meaning, for comfort, and for distraction. This issue is full of pieces that fulfil that remit.

We are delighted to present the issue 4 of Slippage Lit and to share the incredible work within it. As always we would like to extend a huge thanks to our contributors, your work continues to inspire us to keep doing this.
